3 Stooges New Year’s Eve Special, Take 2: Pakistan receives the most foreign aid, so take them back.

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 31 December 2019 14:49.

BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/rEDXRf5GbKc/

Morgoth discusses state of the struggle at decade’s end.

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 31 December 2019 05:34.

Get With The Pogrom: Whites to Become a Hated Minority

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 30 December 2019 22:48.

Nigerian ISIS branch kills 11 as retaliation for al-Baghdadi’s death: report

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 29 December 2019 06:06.


Nigerian ISIS branch kills 11 as retaliation for al-Baghdadi’s death: report

The Hill, 28 Dec 2019:

A Nigerian offshoot of ISIS on Thursday claimed responsibility for the killing of 11 people, calling the deaths a retaliation for the killing of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in northern Syria two months ago, according to The New York Times.

The group released video Thursday of members cutting 10 people’s throats and shooting an 11th person, with a voice-over calling the killings a “message for Christians,” although Nigerian experts told the Times that based on the group’s previous tactics, some of its victims were likely Muslims.

The group, the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP), split off from the terrorist group Boko Haram in 2016, citing issues with the group’s violence against other Muslims, according to the Times, but the group has likely been under increased pressure to publicly retaliate for al-Baghdadi’s death as other branches and affiliates have done.

“I think there’s a demand from IS Central: ‘ISWAP, where is your submission for revenge for Baghdadi?’” Abdulbasit Kassim, a co-author of “The Boko Haram Reader: From Nigerian Preachers to the Islamic State,” told the Times.

Kassim added that ISWAP is likely attempting to both assuage the broader Islamic State and extract concessions and ransom from the Nigerian government.

“Those who you see in front of us are Christians, and we will shed their blood as revenge for the two dignified sheikhs, the caliph of the Muslims, and the spokesman for the Islamic State, Sheikh Abu al-Hassan al-Muhajir, may Allah accept them,” a man depicted committing the killings says in the video. The man in the video made reference to an ISIS spokesman reportedly killed shortly after al-Baghdadi.

“These barbaric killers don’t represent Islam and millions of other law-abiding Muslims around the world,” Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari said in a statement following the release of the video.

“We are appalled by the vicious ISIS-West Africa attack targeting Christians in Nigeria,” tweeted Tibor Nagy, the top State Department official for Africa policy.

We urge the Government of Nigeria to swiftly bring to justice those responsible for this heinous terrorist attack. (2/2)

— Tibor Nagy (@AsstSecStateAF) December 27, 2019

President Trump announced the killing of al-Baghdadi in Syria’s Idlib province in October, saying the ISIS leader detonated a suicide vest during a raid by U.S. forces. ISIS announced Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi had been named his successor later that month.

Daughter of Albion

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 28 December 2019 05:00.

The Key to Solving the Climate Crisis Is Beneath Our Feet

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 27 December 2019 05:01.

The Key to Solving the Climate Crisis Is Beneath Our Feet

By Ellen Brown, for TruthDig.Org, 26 Dec 2019: Carbon capture could help limit the effects of climate change.

The Green New Deal resolution that was introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives in February hit a wall in the Senate, where it was called unrealistic and unaffordable. In a Washington Post article titled “The Green New Deal Sets Us Up for Failure. We Need a Better Approach,” former Colorado governor and Democratic presidential candidate John Hickenlooper framed the problem like this:

The resolution sets unachievable goals. We do not yet have the technology needed to reach “net-zero greenhouse gas emissions” in 10 years. That’s why many wind and solar companies don’t support it. There is no clean substitute for jet fuel. Electric vehicles are growing quickly, yet are still in their infancy. Manufacturing industries such as steel and chemicals, which account for almost as much carbon emissions as transportation, are even harder to decarbonize.

Amid this technological innovation, we need to ensure that energy is not only clean but also affordable. Millions of Americans struggle with “energy poverty.” Too often, low-income Americans must choose between paying for medicine and having their heat shut off. …

If climate change policy becomes synonymous in the U.S. psyche with higher utility bills, rising taxes and lost jobs, we will have missed our shot. …

The problem may be that a transition to 100% renewables is the wrong target. Reversing climate change need not mean emptying our pockets and tightening our belts. It is possible to sequester carbon and restore our collapsing ecosystem using the financial resources we already have, and doing it while at the same time improving the quality of our food, water, air and general health.

The Larger Problem – and the Solution – Is in the Soil

Contrary to popular belief, the biggest environmental polluters are not big fossil fuel companies. They are big agribusiness and factory farming, with six powerful food industry giants – Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill, Dean Foods, Dow AgroSciences, Tyson and Monsanto (now merged with Bayer) – playing a major role. Oil-dependent farming, industrial livestock operations, the clearing of carbon-storing fields and forests, the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and the combustion of fuel to process and distribute food are estimated to be responsible for as much as one-half of human-caused pollution. Climate change, while partly a consequence of the excessive relocation of carbon and other elements from the earth into the atmosphere, is more fundamentally just one symptom of overall ecosystem distress from centuries of over-tilling, over-grazing, over-burning, over-hunting, over-fishing and deforestation.


Vulture Capitalism Is Jewish Capitalism

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 24 December 2019 06:05.

Vulture Capitalism Is Jewish Capitalism

“If man will strike, strike through the mask!

- Ahab, Moby Dick

For The Occidental Observer, 18 Dec 2019, 3,900 words by Andrew Joyce, PhD.

It was very gratifying to see Tucker Carlson’s recent attack on the activities of Paul Singer’s vulture fund, Elliot Associates, a group I first profiled four years ago. In many respects, it is truly remarkable that vulture funds like Singer’s escaped major media attention prior to this, especially when one considers how extraordinarily harmful and exploitative they are. Many countries are now in very significant debt to groups like Elliot Associates and, as Tucker’s segment very starkly illustrated, their reach has now extended into the very heart of small-town America. Shining a spotlight on the spread of this virus is definitely welcome. I strongly believe, however, that the problem presented by these cabals of exploitative financiers will only be solved if their true nature is fully discerned. Thus far, the descriptive terminology employed in discussing their activities has revolved only around the scavenging and parasitic nature of their activities. Elliot Associates have therefore been described as a quintessential example of a “vulture fund” practicing “vulture capitalism.” But these funds aren’t run by carrion birds. They are operated almost exclusively by Jews. In the following essay, I want us to examine the largest and most influential “vulture funds,” to assess their leadership, ethos, financial practices, and how they disseminate their dubiously acquired wealth. I want us to set aside colorful metaphors. I want us to strike through the mask.

Who Are The Vultures?

It is commonly agreed that the most significant global vulture funds are Elliot Management, Cerberus, FG Hemisphere, Autonomy Capital, Baupost Group, Canyon Capital Advisors, Monarch Alternative Capital, GoldenTree Asset Management, Aurelius Capital Management, OakTree Capital, Fundamental Advisors, and Tilden Park Investment Master Fund LP. The names of these groups are very interesting, being either blankly nondescript or evoking vague inklings of Anglo-Saxon or rural/pastoral origins (note the prevalence of oak, trees, parks, canyons, monarchs, or the use of names like Aurelius and Elliot). This is the same tactic employed by Jew Jordan Belfort, “Wolf of Wall Street,” operating multiple major frauds under the business name Stratton Oakmont.

These names are masks. They are designed to cultivate trust and obscure the real background of the various groupings of financiers. None of these groups have Anglo-Saxon or venerable origins. None are based in rural idylls. All of the vulture funds named above were founded by, and continue to be operated by, ethnocentric, globalist, urban-dwelling Jews. A quick review of each of their websites reveals their founders and central figures to be:

Elliot Management — Paul Singer, Zion Shohet, Jesse Cohn, Stephen Taub, Elliot Greenberg and Richard Zabel

Cerberus — Stephen Feinberg, Lee Millstein, Jeffrey Lomasky, Seth Plattus, Joshua Weintraub, Daniel Wolf, David Teitelbaum

FG Hemisphere — Peter Grossman

Autonomy Capital — Derek Goodman

Baupost Group — Seth Klarman, Jordan Baruch, Isaac Auerbach

Canyon Capital Advisors — Joshua Friedman, Mitchell Julis

Monarch Alternative Capital — Andrew Herenstein, Michael Weinstock

GoldenTree Asset Management — Steven Tananbaum, Steven Shapiro

Aurelius Capital Management — Mark Brodsky, Samuel Rubin, Eleazer Klein, Jason Kaplan

OakTree Capital — Howard Marks, Bruce Karsh, Jay Wintrob, John Frank, Sheldon Stone

Fundamental Advisors — Laurence Gottlieb, Jonathan Stern

Tilden Park Investment Master Fund LP — Josh Birnbaum, Sam Alcoff


Boris aims to stifle critics of Jewish power and influence.

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 23 December 2019 12:15.

‘Every decent person in this country’ fighting antisemitism, says Boris Johnson in Chanukah message ‘Because Britain would not be Britain without its Jewish community’

The JC, 23 Dec 2019:

Boris Johnson in his Chanukah message from Downing Street

“Every decent person in this country” is fighting resurgent antisemitism alongside British Jews, Boris Johnson has said in his Chanukah message from Downing Street.

In a video released on Sunday, the prime minister said the festival was “a time to celebrate not just the miracle of the oil but your unique identity”.

“That’s really important right now. I know that recent years have not been easy ones for British Jews,” he said.

“In the media, on the streets and particularly online, antisemites have, in alarming numbers, been emboldened to crawl out from under their rocks and begin once again to spread their brand of noxious hatred far and wide.

“But as you kindle the Chanukah night tonight and on the nights to come, I want you to remember this.

When the Macabees drove the forces of farkness out of Jerusalem, they had to do so on their own.

“Today, as Britain’s Jews seek to drive back the darkness of resurgent antisemitism, you have every decent person in this country fighting by your side. “Because Britain would not be Britain without its Jewish community.”

Boris Johnson @BorisJohnson

Britain would not be Britain without its Jewish community. And we will stand with you and celebrate with you - at Chanukah and all year round.

On Sunday, thousands of people turned out to Chanukah in the Square in Trafalgar Square, when London Mayor Sadiq Khan told the crowd: “This is your city and you’re going nowhere.”

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis said: “We’re proud to be Jewish. We’re proud to be BritIsh. We’re proud of our Torah tradition.

“We will do everything we can to eradicate the scourge of antisemitism. We will not be silenced.”

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